Slow Travel
Places to visit - Argentina
Today in the world there have been created more than 80 Slow Cities, with the objective to preserve the original ch
To know a city you must live it. One of the defining elements of slow travel is the opportunity to become par t of local life and to connect to a place and its people. To do this you must stay at least one week in one place, buy your groceries where local people do, go to eat to local restaurants, join in local happenings. Live your destination, not just stay there. Experience the place and the culture. Give yourself the opportunity of being a traveller, not a tourist. Explore every neighbourhood or spot of where you ar e staying not only the “must see” tourist places.
If you have time, we suggest to spend another week in other locations, in the ar gentine coast, go to Mar de Las Pampas. Or you can go to a small town in Cordoba , in Februar y go to the Car nival in Gualeguaychú or in Corrientes province. Take some days off at an Estancia, and help the gauchos with far ming daily activities. And much, much, much more...
Maneras Argentinas fully agree on Slow Travel principles, and have created the company taking into consideration slow travellers.
MANERAS ARGENTINAS is a company that was created to give an insider's look at the Argentine's lifestyle. We combine education and culture through the development of culturally entertaining activities for those wishing to engage the genuine spirit of the Argentine lifestyle, experiencing Argentina through language and the culture of its people, getting to know their music, sports, places... Our aim is to awaken the enthusiasm of foreign tourists and/or residents for the Argentine cultural quality in the country. Through Maneras Argentinas we want travellers to lear n how to thoroughly enjoy our diverse and impressive landscapes by experimenting on the uniqueness of each place, providing them with the assurance of experienced, local professionals to deal with the details which will give them added comfort and security.
See also website tells us how to do it. It is gives examples of ways to live slow and be part of the slow movement. website have information on slowfood movement in Argentina and the activities and events they organize. and Website with all the slow travel information and phylosophy. And a forum where slow travellers tell where they have been and recomend places and activities.
For Slow Travelling in Argentina
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