Sightseeing tour in the 130 bus

When I had more free time in my life, I would wonder around the city as if I were a tourist, and used to take a bus just for the sake of taking it and seeing what landscapes of the city would show me.

And definitely, the colectivo 130 offers sights of the city you will love tours of the city.

So, I invite you to hop on to this bus and marvel with the 130’s journey.

I would suggest to jump on in the bus stop of Libertador Ave. and Juramento, a block away from the Buenos Aires’s Chinese neighborhood (Pedro de Mendoza St., Montaneses y Arribenos).

As many other bus lines in BA, it may take 10 to 15 minutes for the bus to arrive to the stop, and when it does it generally arrives 3 in a row. So, if the first bus is too full, wait for the second one and take a comfortable seat by the window.

The first neighbourhood the bus passes through is Belgrano, in Etcheverria St. you will catch a glimpse of the English style houses now remodeled into modern ones.

You will enter to Palermo through one of my favorite’s paths – Los Bosques de Palermo (Palermo woods…) the view of the lake and the nature of the place with BA’s towers behind is spectacular, specially if it is at sunset time with a reddish skyline. It is an important recreational zone for BA inhabitants during weekends.

The next thing to observe is the Palermo Racetrack (Hipodromo de Palermo). If you are lucky, while the bus is stopped by the red light you may spy on a horse race. When the bus returns to Libertador Ave. on the opposite side of the racetrack there is the Palermo’s Polo Courts, where the most important Polo Championship is played every year, the Palermo Polo Open Championship.

I love ridding through Libertador Ave., is an elegant, wide and open avenue with beautiful buildings in its sides (many of them of French style( and lots of parks. Your head will turn from left to right constantly trying to see everything this Ave. shows. If you go during November, Jacaranda and Tipa tree’s flowers make a spectacular lilac and yellow carpet in the pavement. And during February and March everything is pink due to the Lapacho Rosados in blossom.

An exquisite example of the palaces constructed between 1880 and 1930 by aristocracy in Argentina is the Bosch Palace, now residence of the USA Ambassador and museum. This palaces where design by European Architects, their owners wanted to transform BA. Their main model was Paris, and they chose mainly the French Academicism Architectural Style, for the new buildings. The Bosch – Alvear family bought to Rene Sargeant the plans for the building which was constructed between 1910 and 1917.

When BA celebrated the first century of their independence from Spain, in 1910, the city received presents from different countries. Some of them now are part of the city’s charm. An example of this is the “Monumento de los Espanoles” as it is popularly known, but its true name is “La Carta Magna y las cuatro regiones Argentinas”, inaugurated in 1927, but its first stone was put by the Infanta Isabel de Borbon in 1910.

At the intersection of Libertador Ave. and Sarmiento Ave. you’ll find the Sarmiento Monument, located where Sarmiento’s political enemy, Rosas’ house was located. The sculpture was done by August Rodin. On the right corner there is one of the entrances to de Buenos Aires Zoo founded in 1874. at it’s entrance you may observe the traditional “mateo” a coach pulled by horse, drove by one man in which you can ride through the city, they are called like that because of the name Mateo, the horse of a very popular character, an Italian immigrant, of a play by Armando Discepolo.

Another Palace that use to belong to an Alvear family member was the now a days Italian Embassy in the corner of Libertador Ave. and Bustamante st. It was built in 1920s and it has a neo-classical style.

Don’t miss on your right the Errazuriz Palace, now a days Museo de Arte Decorativo, as the Bosch Palace, its plans where designed by Rene Sargeant, its original owners where the Errazuriz-Alvear family. A unique monument of the belle époque, pure elegance and sophistication…

To be continued…

Chamber Music in Buenos Aires

The Chamber Music Foundation, The Best Classical Music offer in Buenos Aires!

The "Fundación Música de Cámara" opened its season on March 18th at Palacio Sans Souci with an outstanding performance in Spanish Chamber Music.

If you are interested in Chamber Music Concerts in Buenos Aires, join the upcoming performances of the Chamber Music Foundation, a non-profitable institution that supports and promotes the diffusion of the most pure manifestations of music as also the artistic development of our national talents.
It s artistic director, Guillermo Angel Opitz ( is a leading figure in chamber music interpretation in our country. He advise and work jointly with the Colón Theatre, teaches at the Universidad Católica Argentina, and he is undoubtly the "alma mater" of this Foundation considered "select and exclusive" for classical music lovers for its high academic performance.

The Chamber Music Foundation program is carried on at the most sophisticated palaces and historical residences of Buenos Aires, interpreted by young national talents, well-known artists of our country and from abroad.
Next concert: "French Impressionism" from Fauré to Ravel, at "Museo de Arte Decorativo (Palacio Errazuriz)" on april 24th.

Enjoy Music!

Join the upcoming performances, Subscribe now to the 2007 season getting the best locations!

Ask for additional information by emailing us: or to "Fundación Música de Cámara"


Definitivamente, los colectivos fueron, son y serán parte del paisaje porteño. Son un clásico de la ciudad que siempre se va renovando pero sigue en pie como los cafés, el fútbol de los domingos, el asado y tantas otras cosas de la vida del porteño. Odiados a veces por la velocidad a la que van o porque no siempre respetan todas las reglas de tránsito, por el smog y humo que largan, pero infaltables en al vida de cualquier porteño. Por solo 80 centavos nos pueden llevar a cualquier lugar de la ciudad y con un poco más de plata, a cualquier lugar del Gran Buenos Aires. Hay más de 180 líneas! Servicios regulares, rápidos, expreso, en ellos siempre encontraremos la lucha por los asientos y por mantenerse en pié ante las frenadas de los conductores.En la Buenos Aires de principios de siglo se utilizaban los taxis para ir de un lugar a otro. Pero la ciudad crecía y el taxi era caro. Así que en los años 20 surgió la idea de llevar a varios pasajeros en un mismo vehículo y cobrar diferentes tarifas, según la distancia que realizaran. Se adaptaron coches para transformarlos en pequeños autobuses, llamados auto colectivo, taxi colectivo, y después quedó solamente “colectivo”. Ahora en lunfardo porteño son “bondis” (puede ser que la expresión venga del portugués, en Brasil a los tranvías se los llamaba “bondhinos”). Se dice que el primer viaje fue en 1928, hay un monolito en Primera Junta que lo recuerda...

Estos vehículos estaban decorados con una técnica de dibujo conocida como fileteado que les daba un aire muy característico y pintoresco. Los colores que se usaban identificaban a cada línea de colectivo, como ahora... El fileteado era también una forma de expresión del conductor de ese colectivo, los fileteadores pintaban frases que expresaban las pasiones, filosofía, gustos de los conductores, hablaban sobre temas “existenciales”, sus amores, su club de fútbol...

Todos recordamos con cariño a los viejos colectivos fileteados, pero en la década de los 90 se reemplazaron los tradicionales autobuses por unidades con diseño más moderno. Pero el colectivo es un emblema tan característico de la ciudad que en enero y febrero de este año se realizó una exposición organizada por la Secretaría de Cultura del gobierno de la ciudad, a través de la Dirección General de Museos y de la Junta Promotora del Museo del Colectivo, para recordar los comienzos y desarrollo de este medio de transporte. La muestra era imperdible para los nostálgicos que quisieran revivir el espíritu de los antiguos colectivos que recorrieron la ciudad. Antiguos coches adornados con faroles de gran diseño, espejos, fileteados y todo tipo de detalles. Espejitos pintados, placas, chapas, carrocería, fotos de una Buenos Aires lejana...

Horse Riding Trip for Easter Break!!!

Have you already decided what to do for Easter? Time goes fast, everything has been booked already... but we have something to offer you... it`s quite interesting and adventourous...
Would you like to live for 4 days as a gaucho? Troperos, are the gauchos that herds the cattle from one place to another, during their trips they go through different estancias which offers them a place to sleep and rest to continue their journey the following day. Why don`t you join us in this TROPERO`S GALLOPING, AN ESTANCIA TO ESTANCIA RIDE of five days...
Estancia to Estancia Ride March 31st - April 04th.
Feel and live the genuine argentine countryside at Corrientes Province in authentic cattle work Estancias. Rest in the middle of the country in hammocks, enjoy an exquisite lamb
"a la parrilla", visit places of legends and stories so far away from big cities where its inhabitants speak only Guarani, have lunch in a real Pulpería, have fun and experience the real Chamamé -regional music-…
Become a gaucho for four days by going through this trail, as the "troperos", the person who herds cows for long distances. We invite you to enjoy this genuine experience, with comfort and gastronomy far superior.
Imagine riding kilometers and kilometers finding just beautiful landscapes in there natural essence.

  • Specially selected troop of horses.
  • Accommodation in 4 authentic Estancias.
  • Massages.
  • Excellent gastronomy and services
  • Variety in Flora and Fauna.
5 days horseback riding trip with accommodation. (Riding hours: 3 hs. in the morning, and 3 in the afternoon)

Further information and bookings:

Old Irish Monastery for sale

Last year we visited Carmen de Areco and its sorrounding areas, and discovered a beautiful old monastery in the middle of the countryside. It was quite impressive, its architecture and style made you feel as if you were in Europe. A perfect place to rest, to find peace and to feel as living in nineteenth century. As I found the monastery closed, I decided to go back to see if I could find someone who can tell me something else about it. I went back on february and asked to people from Carmen de Areco about the Monastery that had been sold to private hands. There were thousands of different versions around the town, someone told us they would built a Geriatric Hospital, others told us it was going to be a luxury hotel... Nobody knew well how, when, why and what it had been sold. This Saturday March 10th an article appeared in La Nación newspaper It was confirmed the sale of the Irish monastery and also the remains of the missionaries and other religious workers buried there would have to be removed. The Organization Red Solidaria have joined the protests of the community and they are starting a movement to save the cemetery and monastery. You can write to them by e-mail: and . It is a pitty the authorities and the responsibles for the sale do not appreciate the cultural and architectural treasures we have inherited and do not take care of protecting them, considering also that this place was donated by the irish community of the area. It is part and a legacy of a community.

A lovely romantic dinner

I love eating out and trying to discover new charming restaurants. Buenos Aires has a lot to offer for food lovers, and sometimes is hard to choose the perfect place for the perfect moment.
For this quests I guide myself with two tools Oleo, internet restaurant guide, and the blog "SaltShaker" . At Oleos guide you can find restaurants being clasiffied by price, place, food, etc.
SaltShakers blog offers detailed food descriptions and restaurantes revious of its author, Dan Perlman.
From SaltShaker I got the recomendation of Cabernet, at the corner of J.L. Borges and Pasaje Russel in Palermo Viejo. Good food, good place and wine!

Volvió el Bar Britanico

El Bar Británico, Bar Notable y uno de los iconos del barrio de San Telmo, ubicado en la esquina de Defensa y Brasil reabrió sus puertas.
A pesar de las muchas reformas que se le hicieron, se respetó el estilo original, la boiserie y la mesa debajo de la "B" pintada en la ventana (donde solía sentarse Sábato), aún permanecen intactas. La atención es muy agradable, los mozos son jovenes atentos y amables, que responden naturalmente a las inquietudes de los viejos visitantes, que se sientan a tomar un café con ricas medialunas, acerca de esta "nueva versión" del Bar Británico.

Quienes conocimos su anterior versión y clima de bar podemos asegurar que no perdió su espíritu original.

Tras una difícil historia hace unos meses atrás, el Bar Británico está de vuelta entre nosotros son sus imperdibles sandwiches de jamón y queso con manteca, en pan francés!

March, events and activities in BA.

While most of Argentines are returning from their holidays, the year is starting with its activities and its recovering its pace... March offers its people and visitors a lot of opportunities to explore the city, with its Lapachos Rosados and Palos Borrachos in full bloom in Plaza San Martín and Bosques de Palermo, and its cultural expressions:
IX Buenos Aires Tango Festival
(Febr.23rd. to March 4th.) Milongas in Buenos Aires streets and parks, free shows of great tango musicians, exposition, tours throught the city to learn about tango`s origins and history, museums and expositions. This days everything will revolt around this dance.
29º Bienal de arte de Pontevedra

Centro Cultural Recoleta

March 8th. to April 15th.

Artists from Galicia, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay enters into dialogue about emigration.

South American Music Conference

o Costa Salguero

9th to 10th of March

International event with outstanding electronic music productors, artists and musicians.

Baires Beer Festival

Huergo 131, Palermo

March 1st. to 4

A diversity of beers, shows, music, events all in one place.

International Jazz Festival
March 21st. to 26th.
ND Ateneo
- Paraguay St. 918.
Local and international musicians will give jazz concerts: Joe Lovano, Edgberto Gismonti, Alex Acuña, Walter y Javier Malosetti, Fattorusso, Botafogo and Pedro Aznar, among others.

Expo Tango

March 13th. to 8th.

Salón Com, Sarmiento 1867

4345 2533

Feria Puro Diseño Latinoamericano
March 30th.
to April 9th.

Costa Salguero, Avenida Rafael Obligado y Jerónimo Salguero

Products of different disciplines related to design: clothes, objects, furniture..

13º Fashion Buenos Aires

Feb. 26th. to March 3rd.

La Rural, Avenida Santa Fe 4201 y Avenida Sarmiento 2704

4784-3205; 4782-2695

La mayor parte de los argentinos ya se fueron de vacaciones y volvieron con las pilas cargadas para encarar el 2007 con todo. Marzo es el mes para empezar a concretar la lista de objetivos que uno se hizo en año nuevo: anotarse en cursos, empezar el gimnasio, ir a aquellos conciertos u obras a los que usualmente nunca va, empezar clases de un nuevo idioma, etc....

Y Buenos Aires se presta muy bien para hacer un poco de todo... Marzo, con sus lapachos en flor de Plaza San Martín y los Bosques de Palermo (que por cierto son imperdibles), con los calores que empiezan a menguar su intensidad, llega con muchas actividades para ofrecer:

IX Festival Buenos Aires Tango

Del 23-02 al 04-03

Hasta el 4 de marzo, se realizará la edición 2007 de uno de los festivales más importantes de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Se presentarán orquestas típicas, como la de Rodolfo Mederos, la Orquesta Escuela Tango, Sexteto Mayor, la Orquesta de Tango Buenos Aires, El Arranque, Cerda Negra, entre otras agrupaciones.

29º Bienal de arte de Pontevedra
Centro Cultural Recoleta
Del 08-03 al 15-04

En su 29ª edición, la Bienal postula el diálogo entre artistas de Galicia, Argentina, Chile y Uruguay sobre el tema general de la emigración.

South American Music Conference
Centro Costa Salguero
Del 09-03 al 10-03

Evento internacional que reúne a prestigiosos productores, artistas y músicos de la industria de la música electrónica.

Baires Beer Festival
Huergo 131, Palermo

Del 1-4 de Marzo
Un patio cervecero albergará gran diversidad de olores, sabores y texturas donde se ofrecerán cervezas de elaboración artesanal e industrial, con diferentes graduaciones. Por sus dos escenarios pasarán bandas de rock, pop y reggae, espectáculos de percusión, teatro y danza. Además, habrá dos pistas para bailar.

Festival Internacional de Jazz

ND Ateneo - Paraguay 918

Del 21 al 26 de marzo, figuras internacionales y locales del género se presentarán en el ND Ateneo, en Buenos Aires. Participarán el estadounidense Joe Lovano, el brasileño Edgberto Gismonti y el peruano Alex Acuña, Walter y Javier Malosetti, los hermanos Fattorusso, Botafogo y Pedro Aznar, entre otros.

Expo Tango Feria
13 al 18 de marzo

Salón Com, Sarmiento 1867
4345 2533

Exponen productores turísticos , culturales, artistas, diseñadores, modelistas, galeristas, joyeros, artesanos, vestuaristas, grabadores, escultores, pintores, y otros. Habrá mas de 25 expositores de productos y servicios de Buenos Aires. Entrada libre y gratuita.

Feria Puro Diseño Latinoamericano
30 de marzo al 9 de abril
Costa Salguero, Avenida Rafael Obligado y Jerónimo Salguero

Estarán presentes todas las disciplinas vinculadas al diseño. Habrá un sector de moda, de accesorios, joyería y equipamiento. Participarán diseñadores y empresas argentinos y de Chile y Uruguay.

13º Fashion Buenos Aires
del 26 de febrero al 3 de marzo
La Rural, Avenida Santa Fe 4201 y Avenida Sarmiento 2704
4784-3205; 4782-2695

Semana de la moda en Buenos Aires. Participarán jóvenes diseñadores argentinos y de otros países. También se realizarán desfiles de ropa, diseños de autor y nuevas tendencias.